I have gotten my Irish passport! I’m as Irish as the rest of them now! Wow! That was fast! Like 3 weeks from when I finally sent the money for it! Wow! Cool! And my, but I’ve lost quite a lot of weight since that picture was taken. It’s a nice picture, though, even if I’m fat. :) Unlike my American passport, which is a hideous picture in which I’m fat. :) Woot! *dances*! Also, I have just made an extremely beautiful loaf of bread. It’s so pretty it seems…
an excellent weekend
I have had just a completely excellent weekend. There were the concerts on Thursday and Friday which were lots and lots of fun (my throat is still a little sore from yelling and screaming), and then we went over to Cap’n Jack’s for Christopher’s Eberron game yesterday, and that was a blast. I’m playing something called a Warforged, which is a essentially a sentient golum. A construct class fighter. And I’m a monk, so I’ve got flurry of blows and I get two d6 damage attacks every round. I rolled…
whee! More Young Dubs!
More Young Dubliners last night! To my disappointment, they did the exact same set that they’d done Thursday, but the up side of that was that I semi-knew all the songs, so that was okay. :) There were no drunk Vikings last night. There was, however, a Jai and a Jack, who both decided to join us. Yay! We all sort of just hung out and listened to the opening act, which was the reggae band again, and they were still pretty decent, and then Jai and I (after taking…
more memes
Ok, the varation on the meme theme today is: List five fictional people — from television, movies, books, whatever — that you wanted to be, as a child or an early teen. 1. Menolly 2. Hari-sol 3. Spider-Man 4. Will Stanton 5. Robin Hood (from Disney’s movie. Yes. The fox.) Anyone who knows me at all should find it perfectly obvious that as an adult I wish to grow up to be Rogue. Although, really, with the possible exception of Harimad, I don’t really want to *be* those people. Never…
starting to function…
Starting to be functional… The show didn’t get started til 11:30 last night. Well, opening act came on around 10:40, probably, but since it was theoretically supposed to start at 10 (which was when the doors opened, rather than 9:30), well… this happened last time, too, so I wasn’t very surprised. Holy cats. I gotta say, 25 pounds of weight loss (which is I think how much I’ve lost since the last YD concert up here) really makes a difference on the ol’ feet. I wore my granny boots (which…