et voila

I might even keep this design for a while. Still want to fiddle with it and learn to make it fluid, but I likes the colors and stuff. Watcha think? (And now off to walk, for I got up late and have thus far spent the whole morning trying to get this damned design to work.)

still not king

Still no monitor arm. *bounces impatiently* On the positive side, I walked 3.5 miles today (and damn, it am cold out there with that nasty wind) and I watched an episode of Highlander I hadn’t seen. It might be the only season 4 ep I hadn’t. Guess we’ll see. Now Zilli is mooning me. miles to Lothlorien: 448


Fuggit. I have written out an outline for how the last chapter or two should go, and I am declaring this book done. There’s enough to fix in the previous twenty-five chapters that I have no heart to write the last ones out fully and wrong, so I have my notes and I will now FIX the damned thing and be much, much happier about it all. I really should’ve done this a week ago. :) So! DONE! AND. The ending sets up nicely for a segue into the second…

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Oop. The new chair and keyboard *barely* fit into the nook. It needs to be about 2 inches wider. When I type, the keyboard thunks on the wall, or on the stair railing. I shall have to get something to pad them (or learn to type less violently, I suppose). VERY impatient for the monitor arm now! Windy out. Chanti didn’t get walked. Chanti is very sullen about it. Bad human. :P miles to Lothlorien: 444.5

so far…

So far today I have rassled my chair into the house, walked two miles, made some bread, set up my keyboard, discovered I only hit the space bar with my right thumb, and have grown VERY IMPATIENT in the waiting for my monitor arm because this is gonna be SO COOL. Nrf. It’s beautiful out, and 24 degrees, which is certainly warm enough to walk, but there’s also a lot of wind blowing, which means it is very likely colder than a titch’s wit out there. Nrf. I guess I’ll…

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