I think I just hit critical mass with this book. I fi-i-i-i-inally got people moving again and I had a fun scene and then an emotional bit that ended in people pulling guns (you can’t beat that!), and I am feeling happy about being able to finish this book now! On to Moscow! Three chapters left! Doom! Betrayal! Romance! More doom! *cheerful* Marith and I just had a total Dark is Rising geekathon. Life is good. :) Uhm. Uhm! We went over to Mom and Dad’s for dinner last night,…

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Happy birthday!

Today is my Mommy’s birthday! Happy birthday, Mommy! Do you want me to make you a cake? Have you decided what you’d like for your birthday? :)


Jai and I went to see House of Flying Daggers this afternoon. About two minutes before everything went completely to hell, I thought, “Oh, shit! This is going to end badly!” And lo, it did. I mean, of course it did: it’s a Chinese movie. They always end badly. (Wonderfully, but badly.) I felt rather silly for not realizing it until ten minutes before the film ended. Of course, Jai said she was completely blindsided by it all ending badly, so at least it wasn’t just me. :) I enjoyed…

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more gaming

I’ll write the San Francisco leg of the adventure next. Maybe even today, depending on how efficient I am with the writing of things I’m actually being paid to write. :) Gaming was fun, as usual. Melissa and Pat are becoming moderate gaming geeks, and putting genuine thought into their characters and starting to do things like multi-class and generally having a good time with it. Hee hee. :) It’s really nice to actually SEE people and hang out and have fun! And I am currently shirking an opportunity to…

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1890s campaign

Ok, screw it, doing a fast and dirty writeup of the campaign so far because otherwise I’ll never get it done, obviously. More behind the cut tag.