So the other night I had this nightmare about URBAN SHAMAN. I dreamed I got my advance copies and I was reading through it, and there was an entire chapter in which Petite, Jo’s 1969 Mustang, had inexplicably turned into some older-era jalopy sort of Jeep thing, complete with the model numbers and all written into the story. And I was reading it in horror, thinking, “…this can’t be fixed. This is the printed version of the book. It’s already gone to press. I *know* I didn’t miss this in…
I can take a hint.
All right, fine. I can take a hint. Jai called to ask, quite dubiously, if I was the person who’d wanted the treadmill her mother had decided to give up. I wasn’t, but with the offer on the table I decided I should say yes, since I’ve been bitching interminably about the cold and the slipperiness and the wah wah wah. It will go live in the garage, and I’m going to take some of my mad money and buy one of those little hundred dollar 13″ tv/dvd units and…
writingu and stuff
Yesterday was a very nice day. We went out to dinner at our favorite (but increasingly expensive and hence rarely visited) Italian restaurant with Christopher and Young, and Ted ate so much that he was much, much too full to eat any of the German chocolate cake I made for his birthday cake! So we still have a pristine cake sitting downstairs. Ted got good loot for his birthday, including a book called FOOD FOR FIFTY, which deals with scaling recipes up for larger groups of people. He’d really wanted…
a meme for ted
There’s a really terrific meme going on at LJ right now, in which the rules are thus: 1. Reply to this post if you want me to tell you how cool you are! 2. Watch my journal over the next few days for a post about you and why I think you rock. 3. If you like, post these instructions in your journal and give your friends a much needed dose of love and adoration! It’s just so incredibly nice to read down my friends page and see all of…
All about you you you
rocks because: she is fearless. This is not to say she is without fear, because then she would be Matt Murdoch, and that would be weird. But I don’t believe I know anyone as willing to categorize and face her fears as Deen. The particular example that comes to mind is a simple one: going out dancing. This was not something in her repetoire, and the whole prospect made her very nervous. But given the opportunity to go Jamesing, she flung herself into a situation she had no experience or…