I like this meme. :)

1. Reply to this post if you want me to tell you how cool you are! 2. Watch my journal over the next few days for a post about you and why I think you rock. 3. If you like, post these instructions in your journal and give your friends a much needed dose of love and adoration!

there. whew.

There. 3551 words today, plus the additional 807 yesterday, making for what’s starting to seem like a fairly decent wordcount so far this year. I’m slightly more than halfway done with this chapter, and I think I’ve got four to go. Oh dear. And Chrisber has found a build your own tartan website. Oh dear. :) ytd wordcount: 26,500

pretty good

1300 words so far this morning, and about 800 more than posted about yesterday, so I’m close to done with chapter 22, which is pretty good for it not yet being 9:30 in the morgle. Taking a breakfast break right now and then back to the grindstone. I want a … nevermind. It’s been too long since I started writing this post. No, I’ll write it anyway. I want a workstation which involves a comfy mission-style chair like the one in my writing nook. I want this workstation to have…

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dire 1’s

A whole chapter so far today. Break time for a while, then back to the grindstone. And, having reached more than 20K for my YTD wordcount, I have broken out of the Dire Ones, which is always emotionally satisfying. :) I also hit 250 pages with the manuscript, which means 70-90 more to go. I have this bit I like at the end of this chapter and I hope it’ll all work out. :) Will be VERY glad to be done with the rough draft so I can fix everything.…

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“I’m only fast compared to most people.”

So I had a great swim today. The girl in the lane next to me was right about my speed, so I was working to keep up with her (and kept thinking, *damn*, but she’s really got me on the flip turns), and she started working to stay ahead of me, so we both got a good swim in, and after I was done I said, “Man, you really kicked my butt on the flip turns,” and she said, “I was thinking the same thing about you!” *laugh* We had…

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