ER is bad.

ER is bad. V. bad. Ted had it on when I came downstairs this morning, and I was obliged to watch the whole episode instead of turning the TV off when he left and writing. The only thing to be said in my defense is that at least I turned it off before the next episode started. Bad. V. bad. Yesterday I pulled a pair of jeans that I thought were 12s out of the closet to try them on, just because, and I slid them on and they fit…

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Isolated prototypes of a cross section of societal behavior patterns indicate that a predictable population trend begins in the primary stages of adolescence. (I just had to get that out of my system. Carry on.)


Not much to talk about today. Jai shamed me into walking, which is a good thing. But that’s about it, really. miles to Lothlorien: 400


Wow. We just went to see “Finding Neverland”. It was really, *really* good. It made me all sniffly! How embarrassing, especially since Ted, who’s usually more of a goosh than I am, didn’t cry. But then, it made me cry for the exact same reason it didn’t make him cry. :) *Really* good movie. SNIIIIIIF!

IRAs & 401(k)s

So I’ve got this 401k account with (what is to me, anyway) a fairly substantial chunk of change in it. In an ideal world, I’d just keep putting money in it, but what with it being a 401k and me not working for the employer anymore, I can’t do that. (Which just seems wrong somehow. Anyway.) I can leave it there, because I have more than the minimum amount required to leave it there. Or I can roll it over into an IRA, or I can cash it out, but…

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