et voila

With the light changing and it being dark so much, the white background on my webpage was making my eyes bleed. Plus, it’s been I don’t know how many months, like five or something, since I last redesigned, and that’s a Very Long Time Indeed, for a Kitpage to last. So here’s the new digs, til I get bored with ’em. :)

catching up

Jai is fully of walky goodness, and is putting me to shame. My only defense is that it’s *really* slippery out, and she has a treadmill, whereas I don’t like them. It is, in fact, 39 degrees, according to On November 22nd. But that’s not quite warm enough for all the ice on the roads to have melted. It’s just warm enough that the top layers have melted, so there’s water on the ice, which is treacherous. Friday night Ted had to go do catering stuff for his hospitality…

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I kinda like this meme, which I gakked from Peg Kerr. The first couple questions are LJ-centric, but general approximations as appropriate for a non-LJ forum will do perfectly well as answers. :) 1. When did you first “friend” me? 2. Why did you first “friend” me? 3. What posts of mine do you like to read the best? 4. What would you like me to write about that I don’t? 5. Do you think we would be friends in real life? 6. How often do you read my journal?…

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ready goodness

I read the second two books in Holly Lisle’s WORLD GATES trilogy last night, ’cause in the second one she introduced such a fantastic bad guy that while I’d intended to read just one, I had to find out what happened with him, and so read the other. :) And the prologue thing to the third book made me rather gleeful, ’cause I knew right off what she was doing and I enjoyed it. :) Pushups are hard. o.o miles to Lothlorien: 390

chicken STEW

I am going to make chicken STEW for dinner. That’ll be GOOD. MMMMmmmMMMM. I may make *cornbread* to go with it. Eh? Eh? What do you think of THAT, hm? MMMMmmMMMM! All right. I talked to mony and managed to figure out what the underlying problem Mary Anne is having with HoS. It’s essentially a motivational problem, and now that I understand it, I can fix it. As someone in one of the writing circles I hang out on said, if the critique was bothering me that much, it’s obviously…

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