Copy edits are done. I am tired of this book again, which, given I’ve read it four times in four days, is not really a surprise. I will go photocopy the manuscript so I have my own copy of the edits, and then I will put it in the mail. I would like to do these things tonight, but if it waits til the morning, well, I can live with that. As long as it’s out of here by noon tomorrow. Ted’s gone to get the Audi. I just don’t…
I need a vacation.
It’s getting gloomy out. I mean weather-wise, not politically. Getting darker. Snowing. I’m in a bad mood. I don’t want to deal with the Audi at *all*. I don’t want to let them walk over me, but right now I don’t see any point in trying to fight all this stupidity. I feel like I’m going to lose anyway, so why bother. Which is of course exactly what they want, and is why I *should* deal with it, but I’m still so frustrated and miserable about the whole stupid thing…
election results
Well, shit. Now what do we do?
too tired.
I’m too flat to deal with the Audi today. I’ll call tomorrow.
stupid fucking audi
Audi just called. They say that because the Morrison Auto Group is an independent dealership they can’t do anything to make them eat the costs of the car repair. The wind is completely out of my sails. I’m so angry I’m in tears, and so frustrated that I want to fling my hands up and forget about it all, except I’m too angry to do that. I do not know what to do next.