
I’m giving up pizza and sugar for Lent. Nevermind that it’s October. Pretend it’s Lent, dammit. How long is Lent, anyway? Um. I did *nothing* yesterday. I mean, I fixed bugs and I played some CoH and I watched an episode of Highlander and part of an episode of L&O, and ate pizza for dinner and had ice cream, and talked to Sarah for a while *hugs*. But that was it. It was not a Day Full Of Things. Today I’m going to start on the HoS edits that I…

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hep! hep!

pinned down by kitty cat! help! help!


Feeling not brain-drained still, which is fantastic, all things considered. Yay! Ted and I gymmed this morning. My arms are wibbly. I have to take the puppy for a walk in a minute, but I need to dry my hair first, because it’s cold out. Brr. *hugs* for Sarah, whose dad died yesterday. :( *more hugs* miles to Lothlorien: 292


Think I’m finally winding down now. Watched a couple episodes of Highlander (it turns out the god-awful Richie episode is in 3rd season. On the positive side, at least I don’t have to watch it to finish out this season…) and went out to dinner at Aladdin’s with Ted. Not necessarily in that order. And I ordered season 4 of Highlander, ’cause hey, $39.95 and no shipping, who can beat that? :) *yawn* Yeah. Bedtime. :)


Twenty nine thousand, four hundred and three. This is the number of words I have written since 10am Sunday morning. 10 chapters. 125 pages. A bunch of notes on what to fix. I am EXTREMELY pleased! 9009 words today, the last two of which were “THE END”. Ahhahaha! I am SO PSYCHED! FULL of energy! Boingee boingee boingee! I was very nervous about this project (I’ve never written anything novella-length before! I’ve never been in an anthology with MERCEDES LACKEY and TANITH LEE before! I’ve never–you get the picture.), and…

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