the part that hurts the worst now is my upper right … I don’t even know what muscle it is. Below the glute. Upper hamstrings, I guess. It just feels like a knot that won’t unknot, and when I try to move much, it spasms.
Ice. Hopefully ice is my friend.
Ouch! Have you tried heat? I actually prefer heat… loosens everything up and feels a heck of a lot better than ice. (Though if your chiro-person has told you ice, he probably knows better than I)
The chiro told me ice. Heat does feel better, but the problem with it is that it loosens things up by bringing more blood there, and then there is more swelling, and then there is more pain, and then there is more heat, and then there is more swelling, and then there is more pain…
Ice, however, reduces the swelling. It doesn’t feel nearly as good, but it’s more effective for the healing process.
Well, gee.. that’s no good! Ice sounds muuuuch more friendly.