photo shoot

Posted several photos from this morning’s shoot here. Stupid gallery put a mid-sized version in between the thumbnails and the full-sized, so they’re all clickable for a larger version. Mom thinks that set would make a fine 13-month calendar (and though I’d switch one or two of the pictures out, I think she might be right). That might be fun to do. Oh, hey, I can do a poll.

10 thoughts on “photo shoot

  1. I’m a calendar fiend — even if I’ve finally managed to throw out a few piles, I should probably reserve a box or two just for them. Useful, pretty, cheap — what is there not to like about them?

    Nice pictures, those .)

  2. Those bird shots are amazing! Excellent work! I would probably buy a calendar or two. I have two people I regularly give Irish landscape calendars to and these would be a lovely way of being different without leaving them calendarless (which is what happened the only other year I tried to be original). Depends a bit on the cost of course as am broke as usual.

  3. Very nice pictures, and they would make a great calendar. But seeing that I make a family calendar each year with photos of the kids, I’m not in the market for one (made the mistake the first year of putting a funny logo on each page – after seven years, I’m running out of puns).

    btw – in photo 08 – what’s the martian war machine doing?

  4. I don’t know about a calendar, because I rarely use them. But I like the photos a lot. You need to put those up on some site to license them. I know I’d like to license some of those for projects… even if I’m not certain what the project is yet.

  5. You can’t have it. It’s MINE. A Nikon D50 whut I luv. A D70 would probably fit your hands better, though.

  6. Your icon makes me shriek with glee. :)

    I hadn’t even considered licensing them. Huh. I’ll have to look into that!

  7. I’d have to figure out a break-even point. Cafepress does reasonably cheap calendars. I shall look into that tonight, after I’ve gotten some real work done. :)

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