Here we have many photos. They include gratuitous kitty pictures, Elton John concert photos, Mira Furlan, Dublin, and my office. I leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine which are which.
The guitarist, who was Cool:
Sir Elton signing things before the encore:
Mira Furlan (Delenn) at the Forbidden Planet in Dublin. She was there for a signing, and because
Ha’penny Bridge in Dublin.
Amazingly cool sculpture at Dublin Castle: Celtic knotwork snakes, presumably representative of the ones driven out of Ireland by St. Patrick. I took this from the top of the Chester Beatty Library, and it’s not as good as I hoped it would be, but it’s still cool. So there. :)
A snake head from the ground:
And because I’m so happy with it I’m putting the office one not in the cut stuff. Not so much happy with the photo specifically as the office: I’m going to like this office a *lot* when I’m done getting it put together, and it’s starting to take shape now. I got a bunch of art up today. The cool thing about this particular batch of artwork is that it’s all stuff other people have given me. I’ve got a couple of other pieces that don’t seem to have made it to Ireland, so now I’m impatient to get them so I can put them up!
Lovely red dalek in the background there. And evil-eyed cat, heehee.
*!s at the knotwork lawn*
why did I never think of that? that’s so cool! I want to make one with white stepping stones. :)
Dude, you have two keyboards? What’s with that?
I believe those are two half keyboards – and it’s desperately cool to see.
Have you not seen my captain’s chair before? It’s a fully split keyboard mounted on the chair arms. I love it. Picture from above here:
Truly cool and very envy worthy.
Yikes. I don’t know that I could ever deal with a split keyboard. :) Also, this makes it look as if you would make an excellent Operator, from the Matrix. Do you see green computer symbols streaming down like rain? If so, I would look into that.