Picoreview: The Wolverine

Picoreview: The Wolverine: That was a gratifying amount of half-naked Hugh Jackman. My hat (or, thematically, possibly my shirt) is off to you, sir!

Stay through the first set of credits. That was the best teaser trailer I’ve seen since, like, the one at the end of the 2nd Back to the Future movie.

Seriously, I’m dancing around saying anything because I don’t want to spoil it, but I was really happy with the interpretation of the storyline they did, the last dream scene nearly made me shriek aloud (three words which i cannot use because SPOILERS but OMG!), and I was really, *really* happy with the female characters.

There were things I coulda used a little more or less of (naked Hugh falling in the former, although dang; as the credits rolled Ted turned to me and said, “So was that enough half-naked Hugh?” and I was like DAAAAAAAAAAAAANG) but overall, I was really very pleased. Good job, guys!

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