This may be my favorite picture of me, ever:
More pictures of me sighting URBAN SHAMAN at B&N here. When we went in, Ted was in front of me, and stopped dead and gasped and whipped around with Big Eyes, and then wouldn’t let me look at the new paperbacks table behind him. *laugh* The rest was sheer dancing glee. :)
And they REARRANGED Barnes & Noble while we were on vacation, so we couldn’t FIND the SF/F section! We had to wander all over the store before we could find my book! It was AWFUL, I tell you! AWFUL!
You don’t believe me, do you?
That’s okay. :)
Wow! You’re so lucky!!
you look freaking fantastic! :D what a happy day!!!
Look at the super-hot-mama uber-successful you!
OMG!!! So exciting for you!!!
That’s fantastic Catie!!!! And you look great too :)
WOO HOO! So excited for you! Congratulations, famous writer person! =)