
After several hundred pages of STET, a girl starts to wonder if it’s actually her, and she’s doing something really wrong. I’m not, but man. One’s faith sours.

There’ve been a couple places where part of the page has been blanked out, so I’ve had to ask for new scans. Apparently those pages are were post-it flags with comments from the CE were missed in the copying. My editor’s assistant said it was just as well I couldn’t read them, because they’d only made my editor’s blood pressure rise. I can’t imagine what my reaction would’ve been, so I’m really, *really* glad I haven’t seen those. :)

On a *much* cheerier note, Del Rey sent me mockups of the page interiors for THE QUEEN’S BASTARD, and it is going to be Oh. My. God. Gorgeous. The prettiest of my books so far, internally. (I can’t wait to see the cover!) It makes me excited to do the copy edits, which actually makes me more enthusiastic about doing the Luna CEs, which is good. Only 170 pages to go. *wince*

Much less snuffly today, though I’m hacking up gobs of goo. Which is a good sign, but gross. :) Perhaps tomorrow I’ll be well!

Ted and I are watching s6 Smallville and are up to episode 9 (“Subterranean”).

1. That music still gets me. Such a goober. :)

2. The rise and fall of Lex Luthor is just such a wonderful story. When the entire show is done I may have to do a marathon in order to watch that whole story flow over seven years. (Because we all know this show is not about Superman.)

3. Aaron Ashmore looks disconcertingly like his brother. I can’t help imagining what it’s like at home: *Shaun turns into ice.* *Aaron: “Oh, yeah? Well, I can… TAKE YOUR PICTURE!”* (oh, well, hell, no wonder they look disconcertingly alike: they’re identical twins.)

4. I’m really loving Ollie so far. Not only for teh pretty, but for the contrast to Clark in methodology. Dying to see this world’s Bats now.


Ok, back to it.

12 thoughts on “procrastinating

  1. I really think you need to drop a word in your editor’s ear saying that since your writing style and the copyeditor’s vary so strongly, it might be a good idea not to use her for your next book – lowered bloodpressure all around and quicker turnaround…

  2. may have to join you in the watchathon of smallville.. I never really got into the clark character so I stopped watching quite early – then I saw some later eps and wished I hadn’t..

  3. My editor knows. I had this CE for the last book and my editor requested we not have her for *this* one, and we got her anyway. I expect we will word it more strongly next time.

  4. Argh. That *really* sucks.
    But you’re a writer. I’m certain you will be able to express your displeasure.

    “Dear scheduling editor, please forward the enclosed ‘stet’ stamp to the copy editor with the instructions to use it every time she makes a correction; it will save time for everyone.”

  5. My editor’s assistant said it was just as well I couldn’t read them, because they’d only made my editor’s blood pressure rise.

    See, now I’m curious. You so need to get your hands on those for the bonus extras on the deluxe “Writer’s Cut” edition. ;)

    And I see that I quit watching Smallville too soon. Oh well. Once I finish taking over the world, I can always hold my own marathon.

  6. I have been enjoying Smallville quite a bit. There were a couple of times when it might have gotten dropped if I’d needed to drop something but it never quite happened so I’ve been with it since the beginning. And having it be the lead in for Supernatural helps. :)

  7. 4. I’m really loving Ollie so far. Not only for teh pretty, but for the contrast to Clark in methodology. Dying to see this world’s Bats now.

    I don’t think we will see Bruce make an apperance in this show. If there was ever a reason for it, this seaon’s storyline (i.e Ollies Character) would have been the best place for it. However with the Batman movies being made, they will not get permission to use him in a TV series. Heck the only reason Smallville is being made is that it went into production well in advance of the Superman returns ‘Thing’.

    Which is probably a pity. Cos every superman universe needs a Batman.

  8. I don’t actually watch Smallville, but was mucking around online while Jim was the other night, and glanced up at one point and said, “It’s Bobby Drake” beat “No, wait, not quite.” I then forgot to look the kid up, so thanks for confirming his identity! ^_^

    If Babs is ever introduced, I will have to watch it posthaste (it’s on my Netflix list, but there’s so much there).

  9. I am very happy to announce that I picked up Jeri Smith-Ready’s Voice of Crow today…

    AND I found the third and final book to Gail Dayton’s Compass Rose Trilogy, The Eternal Rose. While the Juno cover is nowhere near as nice as the Luna covers, I’m so damned HAPPY that I can finish this trilogy that I just don’t care}:P

    Now then, when can I expect to have to scour my local BandN’s shelves for YOUR next book???

  10. After several hundred pages of STET, a girl starts to wonder if it’s actually her, and she’s doing something really wrong. I’m not, but man. One’s faith sours.

    I once STET-ed so much of a copy-editor’s work, my regular editor offered not to have the next book copy-edited at all, to save us all time and grief and money. I didn’t take him up on it, because copy editors do have a legitimate role in the process – but oh, I do sympathise.

    (The good news is that there are also angels out there – if this is an American publisher, I can give you names…)

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