
ENFP – “Journalist”. Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population.
Well, I’m certainly an ENFP. I suppose I *could* be a journalist. If I wanted to be. But I don’t. :)
Oop, breakfast!
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How odd. I always get INTJ or INTP otherwise. *blink*
Uncanny sense of the motivations of others, life is an exciting drama…sounds like a novelist to me!
I should take it again and see if I’m still an intp.
I’ve taken it 5 times now (a couple online, a couple with a professional full-on eval):
Sept. 98 ENTJ
Sept. 00 ESTJ
Dec. 02 INTP
Sept. 03 ENTJ
Oct. 03 INTP
I think the ESTJ was just a freak quirk of mood and attitude. The Extraverted portion usually comes when I’ve been having to be an extravert because of my professional activities (fencing or work). The ENTJ and INTP actually are both close to right…They’re both “Knowledge Seeker” temperaments, with only a slight preference more towards Perceiving over Judging.
Do you usually take it online or paper-based? The paper-based is more comprehensive and accurate (or so the person who gave me mine most recently tells me — and she’s a very experienced professional who deals with this routinely).
I think most of my “aberrant” results have come from the online versions I’ve taken…
Karen walked me though how to take this. Upon seeing the result she said “I knew you were going to get that!”
Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test
Admittedly only tried them online, and this particular one claimed to be a ‘beta’. So I’ll consider it entertainment only :)