REDEEMER: Halfway there!

Actually, more than halfway there in terms of funding, but today marks 2 weeks into the campaign, with 2 weeks left to go!  In honor of this, I’ve declared it Ask Me A Question day over on Facebook. Because it’s so hard to ask me questions any other time. :)
Still, it’s a fun thing to do (I hope O.O) and an ideal time to quiz a writer. :) So read the chapters, visit the campaign site, ask me questions, and tell your friends to do the same. :)
In the meantime my ears are popping like a goddamn bowl of Rice Krispies. I am sick. of being. sick. :p
Did I say I had to back up AGAIN and delete AGAIN on the frigging Nanowrimo? Maybe. Anyway, I did. It wasn’t quite as bad as I’d feared, only cutting 1K or so instead of 3, but sinc I’m now on the 5th draft and most books take 3 at the most to get to the end, I would really. really. like to get through to the end of the book now. :p
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand on that note if I’m ever going to get to the end of the book I had better stop writing a blog post and go write a book. The writing life, it’s so glamorous…

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