regarding weight loss

I’m taking a page from . I’m going to start using this journal, mostly for the friends-lock aspect of it, so that I can talk, mutter, bitch, whine, and hold myself accountable on my weight loss.

There’re a variety of reasons for doing this. One is that I sort of assume the entire world’s not interested in my daily struggles, so I don’t particularly want to post it on my regular journal. Another is that I’m feeling the need to try to hold myself more accountable for what I’m eating, yadda yadda, and having a place to post this sort of thing may help. A third is that I’ve essentially been maintaining my weight all summer (ranging from 155-158), and I want to do better than that, so again, accountability. I’m 13 pounds from my goal weight, and while I’m not going to make that by my 1 year mark (Oct 7), I would like to lose at least another 5 or 7 pounds by then. That’s going to take some focused behavior, so I’m hoping this’ll provide me with both a source of inspiration and dedication.

This one’s an open entry, but I’ll be making a friends-lock so people don’t get innundated with stuff they’re not interested in. Post a comment if you want to be on the lock.

36 thoughts on “regarding weight loss

  1. ::waves:: Hi there. :) Met you at WW in June – I was with Anna – and would love to be included, if you don’t mind!

  2. I’ve been reading your website feed through ‘s friends list now for awhile and your fight with weight loss. Same boat I have been in for the last year and a half.

    Finally decided to add both this journal and your syndicated feed. Hope you don’t mind. Would love if I was able to read more of your posts on keeping yourself accountable. Seeing these actually helps my own motivation factor.

  3. I can be on — I know a lot about weight loss. I lost seventy pounds in China.

  4. Go forth, do well–and do it because YOU want to/need to (which you said was the case), not because of any other external influences.

  5. I think I’d managed to unfriend you because I was reading through a feed or something… not sure, but I really want to be on the lock, as I’m dealing with paying attention to food more at this point as well.

    Thanks, hon.

  6. I’m not one of those who gets mortally offended at being on or off friends lists, so don’t worry about it if I wasn’t. (I think “friends” is a horribly loaded term for those lists.) Anyway, you’re added! :)

  7. Sure!

    (BTW, I’d like to take this chance to say I’ve missed your comments on my journal; if it’s because of the dozen or so lodging/food reviews I pushed out one day not long after you friended me, I did want to assure you I haven’t done that before or since. Dribs and drabs, yes. One huge block, no. :) But anyway, I did want to say your presence is missed, ’cause it was fun to read what you had to say.

    In any case, best of luck!)

  8. In fact, I think that was exactly it. I ended up just going ‘agh, too much’, but I miss reading your LJ, too, so I’ll trust you and happily re-add. :) And, added to the WW filter!

  9. I’d be interested in this as I’m searching for ways to lose more weight.


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