Rock on. :)

I had dinner, then because it’d stopped raining, decided to go ahead and walk up to the B&N that I knew was on Pine & 7th because the nice concierge told me so (actually, I knew it was on Pike & 7th, but it turned out my knowing was a little wrong) to see if they had any copies of URBAN SHAMAN for me to sign. I went and looked at the new fiction, then looked in the SF section, then thought to check the new books in the SF section, where Annie Kelleher’s SILVER’S BANE was, but no URBAN SHAMAN. Because somebody’d found it in mystery at a B&N, I checked there too. No luck.

So went I to the customer service desk and said I, “Do you have any copies of URBAN SHAMAN by C.E. Murphy?” And the nice lady behind the counter looked it up and said, “No, I’m sorry, it looks like we’ve SOLD OUT. (emphasis may be mine) Would you like me to order you a copy?”

I said, “No, actually, I *am* C.E. Murphy,” and she did a very credible ! face, and I went on to say I’d been going to offer to sign copies if they had any in the store. She said they’d had five copies, and they’d ordered six more.


Tomorrow I shall go to the downtown Borders (blast it, I just looked it up on the internet and I could’ve gone by there very easily on my way back from B&N, had I known where it was) and see if they’ve got any copies. Elliott Bay Books didn’t, but they didn’t look like they had any Luna books at all. Hrmph.

Am I the only person who thinks being hit on by cheerful drunks on the street is funny? I was on the way back to the hotel and a guy whose voice sounded like he’d been gargling glass called, “I’ll try real hard to be home tonight, honey, you know I will. Just give me the address and I’ll be there!” I thought it was funny. :) And one of the guys with him said, “At least the phone number…” *laugh*

Arright, I’m off to bed now, not because I have to get up early (because I DON’T, thank GOD), but because I got up early today and I’m tiiiired.


3 thoughts on “Rock on. :)

  1. No need! I went through both of these stores, plus the downtown University Book Store (also nearby) last week, when it became clear that Amazon would not fulfill my Great Need. Alas, Urban Shaman was nowhere to be found. (I work right there, on 5th and Union, in the funny shaped building.)

    I did get Shaman in the mail today, though, yay!

  2. Actually, there were 3 copies of the book at Borders! So I signed ’em and they put stickers on ’em. Or they were going to, anyway. The guy was looking for the stickers when I left. :)

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