school shopping

Could I go school shopping, please?

I would like J. Peterman’s toile blazer (which is no longer on the website, but I have a CATALOG, ahahaha) and a cravat shirt to go with it; I would like a magnificent geometry skirt, only in a color that would suit me better; I would like the white blazer and a pair of the pink-striped seersucker pants; I would like the Newport dress and the Nob Hill dress (although I think the latter ought to be a coat rather than a dress); and I would like somewhere to wear all these wonderful clothes.

I would like a Matrix trenchcoat and a corset; a red mourning coat (Mom’s going to make me one of those) and a trench coat of my own design; and I would like some really kick-ass shoes that fit my fat feet to go with all those costumes.

I would also like to have the couple grand I could drop on just what I listed, nevermind all the things I’d buy if I actually had a couple grand to drop on clothes.

I would like to go school shopping, please. I’ll even go back to school, if I have to.

2 thoughts on “school shopping

  1. Man, you’re making me want to go school shopping! That skirt is a thing of wonder, and oh my god, the mourning coat is gorgeous. I have a pattern for a Matrix-ish coat that I hope to make for myself someday (in all my free time).

    I still want to see the pictoral evidence of my silly gift! o.O

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