just stuff

I had no idea my complaint about milkshakes would prompt so much discourse. :) is in Japan at WorldCon. I told her to have fun for me, and she has. :) :) :) I wandered down to the Ceili Mor yesterday afternoon. It would’ve been more fun with someone else, but there were a lot of high spirits and good-natured people around, so that was nice to wander through for a little while. Then I came home and read/finished reading Carol Berg‘s FLESH & SPIRIT, which I enjoyed a lot.…

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the best bit :)

I’m back! Did you miss me? Meant to do some updating from Denver, but the hotel added a new exciting feature where you had to pay for the reportedly free internet access (my computer doesn’t have a wireless or ethernet card right now), so I ended up just answering a bit of email and not paying for too much access. Feh. Poor Little’s starting to show her age, not so much in the wireless factor as things like her screen lock isn’t working as well anymore, so she pops open,…

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