I think I walked five thousand miles today. In that time, I bought one pair of shoes. If someone had told me three months ago that the place to find tennies in Ireland was a *sporting goods store* I would have been much less cranky about shoe shopping. I did not, however, think to ask, and had an epiphany about it this afternoon after an hour or so of walking around wondering why in hell the Irish did not have tennies in their shoe shops. I ended up getting a pair of Springboost shoes, which are supposed to be carbon neutral posture improving walking shoes. They were astonishingly comfortable and I will be curious to see if they live up to the hype.
I tried *very very hard* to buy more than one pair of shoes. *Very* hard. I spent *three hours* shoe shopping. I thought I should get some spiffy walking shoes and then a less spiffy pair for sluffing around in. I found a pair at Dunnes that were good sluffing around in shoes, except they came in 6s and 7s and the 6s were Too Small and the 7s were Too Big. (I have learned today that I wear a size 40 European, 6.5 UK, and 9 US, if the sizes on the shoe box are to be believed. NINE! *NINE*!? When did my feet get to be NINES?!)
I found a variety of boots I’d be willing to buy, all of which quailed and failed before the might of my calves. (My sister made me measure my calves the other day. 42 centimeters. That’s sixteen and a half inches. I did not and will not measure my thighs. :))
Oh. Oh *dear*. DuoBoots is having a sale, and I know what size shoes I wear. And I have tried valiently to find boots in Cork. I *have*. And I only need two pair. A brown pair and a black pair. Honest. Oh dear. (I do not need this pair, even if they are OMG sexy. OMG.) Oh dear. O.O
Oh dear indeed. Woow. Light-headedness strikes. I shall trust this is from not eating anything worth mentioning today, and not at the idea of buying boots that fit. You are spared further shoe commentary while I drag myself downstairs and try to figure out what to eat…
miles to Dunharrow: 78
Buy the shoes, sez she who is going shoe shopping tomorrow. *g*
You totally need that pair. Every woman needs that pair. Ted will love them. Trust me. Yow!
You are *not helping*. :)
(Does every woman need that pair in black patent leather or black suede? Just, you know, for reference’s sake?)
Depends on whether your black leather miniskirt is shiny or suedy. Duh.
Oh. It’s suede.
No wonder Ted supports you having a career where you stay nice and safe at home. ;)
Yep those are definitely Catie Boots.
I vote for the suede. :)
They were only like that because
or were you speaking German??
I agree on the boots, but you have to get a black skirt, probably heavy cotton, it should come down to around the ankle of the boot with a slit that comes up just over the boot top. It’ll make walking a LOT easier. Then you also need a medium or deep-dark red suede blazer to go with the new skirt. Not too fancy as you don’t want to overstate the boots, but it probably shouls drape nicely over the top of the skirt. :-) Of course you’ll need a blouse. Unless you’re not going anywhere fancy, then you can wear a tshirt. your old one.
Then once you get all gussied up, your going to have to take Ted out. Which means doing this all over again, although I don’t believe Ted will want the skirt or blouse; probably be best to get pants and a dress shirt. Ted should have just black pants and a light grey cotton dress shirt. We don’t want Ted to overstate the boots either. Of course now that you’re both all dressed up you’ll need to take pictures. You guys will look so good with your new boots that your current camera just isn’t good enough. You’ll need a new one. with attachments. and an 8GB card. and because of the wonderful advise, you’ll send
so, go get them boots