I’m such a slacker! Emily and Jai BOTH walked SIX miles yesterday, and I only walked FOUR. Perhaps I should go walk another couple miles tonight so it all evens out.
*looks at the *absurdly* beautiful weather* Y’know, that might not be a bad idea. It is soooo gorgeous out. I could do that before I went to take a shower, so the bug dope would continue to do me some good. I wonder if the dog would like to go, or if she’s too exhausted. Right around 3 miles she starts looking really pooped. :)
Biked all the way out to Kincaid Park today, too, though I decided not to do the entire coastal trail ’cause I was going for a walk later. I think that was wise.
Plan for tomorrow: edits on FD, swim, walk, and … read something, if I can fit it in around Emily coming over in the afternoon and us starting to strip paint off some of the cupboards. Although if I did one of those tonight I’d have some idea of whether we’re going to do that or whether we’re just going to scrub them really thoroughly and touch up the paint where it’s needed.
Clearly I had best go for another walk now, and then read something. I think I’ll start with Jim’s Codex Alera books, the first of which I’ve had for what, a year, without having had time to read it.
(Then I will read Alma Alexander’s books. And the Bujold fantasies. And all the Lunas I haven’t picked up yet this year that I want to read, and THE LAST LIGHT OF THE SUN, which has been languishing for 15+ months, and DEAD WATER which ooh I might read that tonight instead, yeah! and maybe some Carol Berg although that series isn’t finished so I donno and the Jennifer Fallon can tempt me but I will be STRONG because she’s a really good writer and I wanna be able to read it all at once and they’re not all out in this country yet and LOTS OF OTHER THINGS. I’m SSSSSSSSSSSMOKIN’!)
ETA: walked one more mile. close enough. :)
miles to Rauros Falls: 329
miles to Hobbiton: 265.9
ytd wordcount: 149,000
I’ve had _Furies of Calderon_ sitting on my bookshelf since January, TOO. Not that I need to ask, but you should post what you think once you’ve read them. :)