
Ted and I are totally weak in the face of Smallville. It’s like our own personal form of green Kryptonite. We watched eight episodes last night, and thank Heavens I didn’t check to see how many we had left (only 5), or we’d have been up til 4 in the morning. *laugh*

The last episode we watched was “Stray”, which was very AUGH and was the episode inwhich they finally used Five for Fighting’s Superman song, and as Image said, it was worth waiting for. They’re generally very good about music choices, and this was an excellent one.

Ted’s been stabbing himself in the heart over all the Clark/Lana stuff, and now that they’re getting into some of the Chloe/Clark stuff, *I’m* stabbing myself in the chest, but it’s really Lex I keep squirming and howling over. It’s SO DOOMED! I LOVE it, because it’s SO DOOMED!

I keep telling my ElfQuest friends that he reminds me of Rayek, except coming from a different place. Rayek drives me absolutely batshit because he’s always, always always on this journey where he pulls back from the brink of arrogance and cruelty just far enough that I think, “THIS time he’s going to do the right thing!” And then he screws it up again. He *always* screws it up again, and in twenty years of reading ElfQuest I have *yet* to lose faith: I *always* believe that *this* time he’s going to get it right, and he NEVER does and I’m ALWAYS horribly disappointed.

Lex, on the other hand, actually appears to be trying really hard to do the right thing (which is in itself wonderfully agonizing!), and you still KNOW that it’s ALL GOING TO END IN TEARS! *stabs self in heart repeatedly*! AUGH! *AUGH*! *AUGH*!

(I am enjoying this immensely.)

There was a bit at the beginning of one of the episodes we watched where Clark and Pete were in the locker room, wearing nothing but dangerously low-slung towels, and dear *god* what bodies those two have. *goggly eyes* But apparently on the wall behind them was a Smallville Crow (their school emblem) wearing a red Superman-like cape (this is one of the wonderful things about this show; there are bits like that all *over* the place), and Ted said, “Did you see? Did you see?!?”

And I was like, “See? I’m sorry. See what? I was busy.” O.O *giggle*

Now, off to finish season 1, because we are WEAK! *beam*

3 thoughts on “Smallville

  1. Just wait…the “stabbing yourself in the heart moments” only get more frequent in the next 2 seasons…lol

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