
Stupid meeting. Supposed to start 15 minutes ago. Called in. Nobody there. Am now waiting for somebody to page me to tell me it’s starting. :P

No rejection letters in the mail today! :) There was, though, a note from the mail bag saying she’d be on vacation for the next week, so if our mail goes astray in the next week we’ll know for sure the error isn’t hers. I thought that was very nice of her. Goooood mail bag.

What else? I was going to mention something else. Can’t remember what, though. I emailed Trinity Church in New York a few minutes ago to ask if there was anywhere in their church a gargoyle could live. That was fun. :)

1 thought on “snrft.

  1. *laughs* that’s a most EXCELLENT thing to write to someone about! I want to hear their reply!

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