I’m doing this in lieu of an actual posting:
We all have things about our friends that make us slightly envious.
Not in a bad way, but in a ‘Wow! I wish I had that person’s hair/eyes/money/relationship/toenails/whatever.’
So tell me what about me makes you envy me. . . then post this in your LJ and see what makes me envious of you.
miles to Minas Tirith: 55
I envy you your freedom, to pack up and move to Ireland. I envy you your skill with words and your drive to do things with them.
I envy your ability to Make Things Happen :D
No, not really. I envy your confidence. You never seem to doubt that you are the right Kit for the job, whatever the job may be, and lo and behold it turns out to be true. :)
Well duh – you have an agent, you have published books, and you have wings on City of Heroes. LOL
I should think you know the answer to this already, you silly girl.
And if you don’t, think of something borderline inappropriate yourself and you’re probably right.
I envy you your cheerful indifference. That, and the fact that you work from home in flipping Ireland. :)
Your husband, ’cause he’s so dreamy! ;)
Seriously though, you have such a positive attitude. I’m busy moping through a…well…mopey spot of late, which just makes me all the more invidious.
I’ll let someone else try to arm wrestle you for the boytoy….
Your ability to apply the seat of your pants to the seat of the computer chair and have Interesting Stories result.
The Ireland thing.
you seem to have decided what to do with this part of your life (publish! move to ireland!) and gone and made it happen.
while my life is pretty excellent, i sometimes feel like i lack both achievable concrete goals and the focus to make them so, for this part of my life. thus, my envy.
I envy your ability to do/say/wear whatever the hell you want, and never ever care What People Think. I always have.
You are the funniest person I know. ’tis impossible to have a conversation with you without laughing, a LOT.
I envy your relentless joie de vivre.
I admire your ability to decide it’s all easy and fun and not scary at all, that you can toss aside your doubts and do it anyway. Like Picard, you Make It So.
Special bonus offer! I’ll give you 2 for the price of one!
1. Your nigh unstoppable optimism.
2. Your really remarkably cool family.