so dinner. much friends.

A couple of girlfriends are back in town for the holidays, so our little Lady Writers Group went out to dinner last night. I’d put on one of my 1950s style dresses (at home, obviously) and was looking at myself dubiously in the mirror when Young Indiana came in and says, “You look BEAUTIFUL, Mommy! Wear that! Wear that!” ♥ ♥ ♥ So I wore that. :) We went into town, and Indy entertained a 9 month old baby girl on the train for the entire trip in, and I dropped him off at his grandparents’ and went to do some Christmas shopping, although I was not wearing appropriate shoes for this task:


As I said on Twitter, 8 miles later:
Me: walks all over hell
Me: walks all over breakfast
Me: well that was exactly what i didn’t want to do

But I did get my lowest left ear hole re-done with a non-allergenic post. I’m sort of working my way through all my ear holes; two of them had (not at the same time) closed up, and I got those repierced over the past few years. The bottom ones haven’t closed up, but they’re teensy tinsy and I wanted to put some of my non-allergenic posts in them but couldn’t shove one through. So I stopped by the piercing place and the guy ran, effectively, a needle of increasing girth through my ear, slid a post in, and was done, lickity split. So now I have a whole row!


For some reason I always have a good time when I go to that place. Yesterday there was a young man getting his new nose piercing adjusted in the other half of the room I was brought into, and the piercing guy was saying to him, “That’s twice in two days I’ve made you cry,” and I was like, “You brute!” and the guy getting the adjustment was like, “Yes, I don’t know why I keep giving you another chance,” which made everybody laugh, and then my guy gets done with my ear and says, “What time do you think the sun set today, 3:30?” and I said no, I was out at 3:30, it hadn’t set yet, probably about 4:10, I thought, and he looked really dubious and I looked it up. 4:08. BOO YEAH. :)

Anyway, then I really did proceed to walk all over hell and breakfast, and got very little for my efforts, forgot one shop I wanted to go to, made my way back to it, found it had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING I needed, argh, gave up, and went to dinner.

We went to a tapas restaurant we’ve gone to before, and, having spent twenty minutes or more exchanging stories, had to tell the waiter we hadn’t even looked at the menu and could he give us ten minutes. “I’ll give you eleven,” he said, and went away, and we looked at the menu and we said, “Well, we’ve done this before, we know what we like,” and went around the table and everybody swiftly chose three dishes and we were sorted in about sixty seconds. I think the waiter came back in about five, honestly, but we were by gum ready for him!

Everybody had a lot of war stories to exchange last night. It’s been a rough year. But we had a really, really good time, to the point that I’d looked at the time and it had been 8:15 and I thought “oh good lots of time” and then around what I figured was 9:30 someone said “It’s 10:30!” and I was like OH SHIT I JUST MISSED MY TRAIN! So we all had a moment or two of excitement while I found out whether or not there was a later train (there was!), although as I said, while looking up the train schedule, there *was* a late bus, so failing all else I could take that. But there was indeed a later train (I’d thought there was!), so whew! :)

I stood up to leave and realized I had not yet given the ladies the fudge I’d brought for them and sort of shouted “FUDGE” and distributed it. (I’d told them to bring something to carry a tin of fudge home in. Two of them said “MY MOUTH” and the third said “fudge? do i have to tell my family? O.O” which I assured her she did not :)).

(You’ll all be glad to hear I’ve got my fudge-making mojo back; it all turned out brilliantly and also I made a nice pie crust last week too, so apparently I was just having a bad run of it.)

Anyway, I didn’t get to bed until about 1am, and was awakened at some point during the night to rain pounding the window so hard I genuinely couldn’t tell what it was. It sounded like paper tearing. So today I’m utterly exhausted (although Indy, bless him, at least didn’t get up until 7:30 and we had no fights over food or getting dressed), but I’m really glad to have gotten out and seen friends and been all holidayish. :)

One of our cohort got out her phone, turned the flash on, and its shockingly brighty “hi i’m warning you there’s going to be a flash!” flash caused us to recoil in horror!


We asked the ladies at the table next to us to take a picture of all four of us. They did, then asked if we would take one of them. The first one apparently turned out very stiffly, as our intrepid photographer said, “Oh my god, loosen up. Go on, think it: I can’t BELIEVE I had SEX with HIM!”

We did not have to be told to think such things. :)


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