so many thinks to do

– laundry (in progress)
– pack (once laundry is done)
– find a small hat box
– finish details on p-con site
– send jimmy UAF promo posters
wish Anchorage B&N would respond so I could set up a signing there
– eat vitamin C like candy to ward off oncoming cold (waugh)
– pack up several copies of Chance, just in case
– all the stuff i’m forgetting

NYCC schedule behind the cut, mostly for my own benefit.

Because I don’t feel I can emphasize it enough, I once more repeat that professional commitments & opportunities trump everything else, which means there are four items from Friday morning onward on this list that are sacrosanct: the Del Rey Panel, the NYCC-assigned book signing, & the two publisher-supported book signings. Everything else I’ll do my best to make it to, and to be timely, but make no set-in-stone promises. :)

Wednesday, October 12:
evening: dinner w/mony & monydad

Thursday, October 13:
morning: go hang out with #OccupyWallStreet for a couple hours
12pm: lunch w/Jenn
4-7pm: check out NYCC’s opening hours
7:30pm: dinner w/Laura Anne

Friday, October 14:
noonish: lunch with Del Rey editors
1:15-2:15pm: Del Rey Panel with editor Betsy Mitchell, authors Naomi Novik and Scott Westerfield (O.O) & more
3-4pm: kaffeesklatch, probably at the Javits Centre
5-6pm: signing/meet&greet at the Del Rey booth

Saturday, October 15:
pre-con: breakfast w/Mary Anne, Lei Ann & Pete.
10-11am: video interview scheduled with pretty much my very first fan ever
11am-12pm: Book signing/meet & greet at Luna/Harlequin’s booth
12-1pm: lunch w/Matt
5:30-6:30pm: Book signing/Autographing Table 7, Autographing Area – North Hall
7pmish: dinner with Kirby & Jeditigger, perhaps others

Sunday, October 16:
pre-con: breakfast w/Mary Anne, Lei Ann & Pete.
11am-12pm: kaffeesklatch thing again :)
1pm: lunch w/Paul
post-con: dinner w/Luna editor