
Someday–about fifteen years from now, when I have time–I’m going to write a series of novels that will look almost nothing, save for the names of the characters, like a game we played once upon a time. It’ll be a Greek tragedy on the GRRM scale, and it will be huge fun and huge work and the prospect of it fills me with glee. It will resolve storylines left unplayed (as I see fit, of course; that’s the trouble of giving one person the reins) and it will go directions the original story never went (is that fanfic?), and it will bring the low high and the high low, and beloved characters will die badly and people who ought to die badly will live well, and it will be awesome.

But that’s not what I’m working on right now. (Well, it has been for the last two hours, while and I geeked about it, but that’s different from working.) I got 4200 words done on HoC and broke 300 pages, though I haven’t hit 75K in actual wordcount yet. Hopefully tomorrow. Still, I’m now at the point where I have a perceptible number of things to accomplish: masquerade, sex, betrayal, death, explosions, estrangement.

And, right on cue, I find myself wondering both whether I have enough story to make it to the end of the book, and how I’m going to get all that story into the remaining pages I have left. :) The nice thing is that for the first time I’m feeling actively enthusiastic about working on this book…which is probably because I have to stop for several days in order to have visitors and do the line edits on PHOENIX. I hope I don’t lose the enthusiasm. Losing momentum is bad, and easy to do. I’m a little nervous about the next several days.

ARGH. It’s Friday and I’ve missed the farmer’s market AGAIN. I *cannot* remember that it’s FRIDAY. ARGH!

ytd wordcount: 238,100
miles to Isengard: 178

18 thoughts on “someday…

  1. ARGH. It’s Friday and I’ve missed the farmer’s market AGAIN. I *cannot* remember that it’s FRIDAY. ARGH!

    I can start posting Thursday night: HEY KIT IT’S FRIDAY WHEN YOU READ THIS GO TO THE FARMER’S MARKET. :)

    Yay excited about writing book!

    I want my sweater to be finished so I have time to read again.

  2. I was amused (and baffled) when (a) Mister showed up in the Harry Dresden novels. I guess it’s a good way to make people buy your books, though!

  3. It’s Friday? But it’s Friday here. Shouldn’t it be Saturday there? Dateline and all that? OK, I’m all confused, apparently. :P

  4. And, right on cue, I find myself wondering both whether I have enough story to make it to the end of the book, and how I’m going to get all that story into the remaining pages I have left. :)

    Whoo, yeah. Exactly that. For me, I always have too much, but I never know it; I’ve spent the last hundred pages thinking I had another twenty, maybe thirty pages left. Right now, I think I have ten pages left and I’ll finish tomorrow. Please…?

    Oh, and Fridays, farmer’s market: my own farmer’s market is the first Friday of every month. I could remind you…?

  5. Mister is possibly my favorite Dresden character, for just that reason. :)

  6. I always come out pretty much dead even with story and space, and yet I always worry about it. :)

    My farmer’s market is EVERY Friday! You’d think I could remember at least once! A reminder would be great. :)

  7. That would be lovely. :)

    I want my BOOKS to be finished so I have time to read again! :)

  8. Of course you worry; you’re a writer, it’s in the job description. Some of us, of course, are right to worry. Some of us produce 185,000 words for a 125,000-word contract. Eek…

    Re farmers’ market (he murmured, casually putting the apostrophe in the right place at last, vaguely hoping against hope that nobody noticed his misplacing of it earlier): I have written ‘FM – remind Mizkit!’ on the wallchart, for every first-Friday of the year. Whether I remember to look at the wallchart is anybody’s guess.

  9. KATE WINSLET’S T… er, never mind, I guess you already figured out that it’s Friday. Garrett can have these back.

  10. I’m now at the point where I have a perceptible number of things to accomplish: masquerade, sex, betrayal, death, explosions, estrangement.

    Boy, you sure aren’t the same tired writer we used to game with on Friday nights. Does Ted know? :)

  11. My guess was something around that since we’re GMT-7… or is it GMT-8? Whatever. I somehow had it in my head that the international dateline mattered though, but I think that’s a holdover from living in Alaska and people always flying west and crossing it to places like Russia, whereas Ireland is completely on the other side of that hemisphere. My mental geography glosses over a lot of things, apparently. :P

  12. I know you’re swamped, but take care of yourself. If you haven’t got your health, you haven’t got anything.

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