Something new!

This Ted posting for Catie. At 2:41 am GMT Catie gave birth to our son Henry Stanford Murphy Lee. Henry wieghed in a solid 8 lbs. Both mother and baby are doing fine. Here are the first pictures.

12 thoughts on “Something new!

  1. I now believe that Catie will be taking it easy the next few months, at least on the writer front.


    Does he need knit hats and blankies and such? Or has Catie’s mom got all that covered?

  2. Congrats y’all! He’s a cutie. My kiddo is only 15 months so seeing those pictures gave me flashbacks. I hope you can get as much sleep as possible!

  3. A baby!! I thought she only produced books! Congratulations on your greatest effort yet.
    I hope your kickass heroines will still be around and not morph into soccer moms. ;D

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