
Huh. Ted and I just got back from seeing “Stealth”, which was much better than it had any right to be, if you overlook the basic problem with the premise, which is, as Trip said, “Here, let’s take this insanely expensive and complicated piece of technology and hit it with a rock to make it work better.”

(My basic problem with the premise was that the trailer introduces Jaime Foxx as the focus of the story and then has the babe clearly hooking up with the other dude for no other apparent reason than that the other dude is white.)

However, overlooking those two basic problems, actually quite good. Not, in fact, at all the movie that the trailers suggest, which is entirely to the good. I mean, it’s not a work of everlasting genius to echo down the ages as a hallmark of mankind’s brilliance, but not a bad way to spend a couple hours. Huh!

miles to Mount Doom: 17

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