Still no writing. I stayed up entirely too late last night reading the next Fallon book, which was just as good as the first, and I hold no illusions about whether I’ll do the same thing tonight with the third. Them are some good books! However, there will be no Alias or any other tomfoolry until I’ve gotten my 1100 words for the day. There. I Have Spoken.
Gymming last night was really good. I’m getting stronger, even if I haven’t miraculously lost thirty pounds. In fact, I’m getting sufficiently stronger that I’m reaching the point of impatience–want to do MORE weights, want to try HARDER. I’m trying very, *very* hard to not overdo it and to not move up in weights more than incrementally or more often than once a week. It’s *particularly* frustrating with the leg press, because I can press hundreds upon hundreds of pounds, yet I’m working out at a very lame 140. At 140, I can *just* start to feel it when I hit the 15th and final rep. But I’m trying to strengthen the muscles in my lower back, and the leg press uses those muscles for stabilization, if nothing else, and if I throw my stupid, stupid back out again, I’ll lose all my forward momentum while I recover. It’s *insanely* frustrating. I’m starting to want to do barre exercises, and … *grght*. Stupid, stupid back. It’s really, really *hard* to go slowly. :(
Alias continues to be completely inexplicable. We still have no idea what’s going on. This is quite a feat. :) I wonder how long they can keep it up. :)
*sigh* To work, now. I have approximately 24353530987 bugs to fix. Whee.
Things I did yesterday that were good for me: walked 2 miles, ate 2 (TWO!) froots, gymmed. Things I’ll do today that are good for me: walk 2-3 miles, eat 1-2 froots.
miles to Lothlorien: 37
I ain’t even gonna tell you what weight I’m pushing with my sturdy little legs. It’ll make you outrageous impatient.