Now I’m sunburned and sweaty. Is that moving up in the world, or down?
A few weeks ago Ted and I bought (and Shaun planted) six rose bushes, one lilac bush, and a stick. The stick is supposed to be a lilac bush, but it is merely a stick. We planted it anyway. It continues to be a stick, but now down at the root there is a 1 inch high lilac bush with 3 leaves on it. Yay! The stick may be dead, but the roots were still wick!
The second lilac bush is merrily sprouting leaves and growing like anything. It was a sturdier bush than the first, apparently. Also it had leaves, and not just a stick, when we bought it.
Four of the rosebushes are leaving away merrily, and one even has a *bud* on it! It shall have a rose soon! A teeny tiny red rose. *beam* The other two rosebushes are not leaving away merrily, but they do have healthy-looking greenness at the bottom, so perhaps next year they’ll leaf.
Overall I’m quite pleased with the state of the flairs. :)