script complete!

A minor accomplishment: I have finished the little 8-page script for Genesis, the first of my Chance-universe tie-in stories. It has been edited by the illustrious Leah Moore, and has been sent off to artist Noval Hernawan, who did a rather splendid character sketch for our main character, Gemma Fade, in her 1950s war-time nurse’s uniform: I’m really looking forward to getting this project put together. The character is (in broad terms) a kind of Captain America/Wonder Woman mashup, and I have a clear idea on her story arc and…

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My friend Maura McHugh‘s new Hellboy-universe comic Witchfinder launched this week. There was a signing today at the local comic shop, where I had the following conversation with a friend: Him: Reading any good comics? Me: I’m really reading more *about* comics than actual comics these days. Him: Oh, you mean like academic journals? Me: Un, no, I mean like Tumblr… *laughs* Yes, well, at least I’m honest. In other comics news, Leah sent my script back with ridiculously helpful commentary which amounted to “Good story, great pacing, great page…

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Me: I have finished a comic script, the first in ages. If I am brave and smart, now I will send it to Leah Moore* for commentary. Leah: Dooooooooooo eeet! Me: But what if it’s AWFUL? Leah: Then I shall post a gif of me frowning slightly and shaking my head very slowly! *giggles helplessly* She felt it necessary to assure me that was a joke, after posting it. *laughs more* I love Leah. Funny, funny lady. :) *leah has volunteered for this, i do not normally just send things…

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dear chance fans…

…if you had a choice between a whole Chance-world origin story or an introduction to a new modern character in the Chance world, which would you prefer? I actually have an artist lined up (possibly even two) so I’m trying to get ducks in a row for doing some kind of mini-stories for web release and maybe eventual Comixology release. Speaking of which, I’ve just taken the first small step toward getting Chance prepared to submit to Comixology by getting my colorist to redo 3 or 4 pages where we…

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a good superhero day

It’s been a good superhero day. First, this morning: Young Indiana, looking at a picture of the Carol Danvers Ms Marvel: Is that Lightning Lady? Me: . o O ( wow, i have really *got* to write a comic of his superhero characters! ) Later, in the rain: Young Indiana: I’m Superman! I’ll stop the rain! Me: We’re gonna need Storm for that, honey. Young Indiana: STORM! Can you please stop the rain? *rain stops* (srsly, got a whole lineup of superheros now. the invisible hulk (which is like my…

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