I seem to be suffering from the boringest life ever, in terms of blogging. We have finally all recovered from jet lag (Ted actually suffered the longest, I think, because he has to get up at 5:30 and the Springsteen concert really messed him up). Poor guy. I’ve been writing some and reading quite a lot and doing a terrible job of keeping up on blogging my recent reads. This week I’ve read – the 2nd and 3rd WVMP RADIO series by Jeri Smith-Ready, and I just bought the, er,…
Tag: daily life
Internet Fast
Going off-line for a couple of weeks, or at least that’s the plan. I want to catch up on reading, writing, etc, and not obsessively check Twitter and Facebook every four and a half minutes, you know? I leave you with what is theoretically an embedded video but which may not work, so if it doesn’t, you can watch my toddler learn to headbang to hair band rock here. :) Internet fasting commencing in three…two…one…now.
where did it go?
June has been equally extremely long and extremely blurred. I have had no sense of the day of the week most of the month, only a constant sense of bewilderment that it’s Not The Weekend Yet, or The Weekend Is Already Over? (I’m very proud of myself, though: I haven’t been working on weekends. Which does make them seem more important. Who knew?) For Kickstarter Patrons: the proposal chapters for HEAVEN CAN WAIT have been delivered. Almost done with the whole project now, except the pursuit of the physical objects…
I hate when my to-do list keeps having the same items from day to day. My office is much better than it was, which is to say there are currently 2 empty bookcases and an incredibly large pile of junk that needs to be sorted on the table. Really, that’s an improvement. :/ I really want there to be only one bookcase in there, but since that’s not going to happen (one is full. Of books, even, but there’s nowhere to put what remains and even this massive sort-and-toss thing…
things make a post
1. Mikaela is doing an Old Races: ORIGINS give-away over on her blog! Go check it out! 2. The Disneyland for Deon page has been fixed and now accepts donations again. o.O Remember, I’ll (eventually) be writing a short story as a thank-you for helping Deon get to Disneyland, so if you want access to an exclusive story, go throw a few bucks that way and make a kid’s dream come true while you’re at it. :) 3. I’ve finished Kim Stanley Robinson’s 2312, which in some ways I liked…