my dumb ear

In a blog post of spectacular unimportance, I am so very happy to say that my dumb ear, in which I got a helix piercing on October 19, 2022, has actually healed! The remainder of this post may involve vague grossness that the delicate among us might not want to read. Not lots of grossness, but a bit. :) After noticing that it seemed to have (for want of a better phrase) dried up a lot recently, I went in to have it checked yesterday. The nice woman, who I…

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one two three FOOOOOUR earrings in my left ear

mild complaints about the state of my ear

Mild ear-piercing-related healing grossness in this post, if you’re sensitive to that sort of thing. ♥ I got my stupid slow-to-heal helix (ear cartilage) piercing looked at today, 15 months after I got it pierced. At about the 11 month mark when it not only still hadn’t healed but was still/again actively gooey, I gave up on the “just clean it with saline 2x a day” advice and swabbed it with hydrogen peroxide a few times like we did with piercings when I was a kid. It fuzzed up in…

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