X-Files: I Want to Believe

X-Files: Season 1 (2 of 3)

Dear grod. I started this blog entry when I managed to record several episodes of season 1 X-Files and watch them. I thought that was 12 or 15 months ago, a little more than a year maybe, but I have just discovered that the last time I updated this file was October 10, 2010. Good grief. Anyway, so I’m going to post this now, as I got the whole series on DVD recently, and just started at the beginning. This does not start at the beginning; it covers episodes 7-14.…

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Ocotocon 2012

The weekend was spent at Octocon, which went very, very well, I thought. I finally got to meet Liz Williams, of whom I’ve been a fan for years and an LJ-correspondent for–well, fewer years. :) She’s a lovely woman, and it was absolutely fantastic to get to hang out with her a bit. I shanghaied her on to at least one, possibly two, panels, and I thought not only they, but all the others, went fairly well. Also, I apparently said something brilliant during one of them (or at least,…

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Let Them Eat Cake Redux

Dear Persons Who Have Been Following The Cake Saga And Want To Know When I Will Make You One: Come to Eurocon 2014 in Dublin and I will. August 22-24, the weekend after London’s Worldcon. Seriously, you cannot possibly get a better deal than this: 10 days of fandom, PLUS CAKE. Love, Me