Ah! Fernando Granea, one of my Take A Chance artists, sent me this for my birthday! *happy dances*! :) I have got so much comic stuff I want to do. Should be doing. Need to do. In my copious free time. Ai. (Seriously. A Chance-world prequel. A concurrent-to-Chance story. ElectriCity. That girl-and-her-dragon idea from years ago. I just wish I knew what the hell to do with *Chance*…)
Tag: friends
Oh, Jay.
I was supposed to write a book with Jay Lake. Back in the day–I think, in fact, that it was the first (and somehow possibly only, but no, that can’t be right) time we met in real life, at World Fantasy in Saratoga Springs–this whole discussion about the speed with which Jay and I wrote came up. We got this idea to do some Stunt Writing: we’d get together someday and write a book together, ideally in the front window of, say, Borderlands in San Francisco, with a giant screen…
lovely day
The weather has taken a sudden turn for the better, causing me to accidentally work on my sunburn a little yesterday. Gonna have to find the sunblock today. (Or not, as it’s all foggy-ish now.) We spent over an hour at the park yesterday chasing a frisbee around, which was great fun. My nephew has this lightweight mostly-fabric frisbee that rises and drops much more dramatically than a plastic one, as it’s much more affected by the wind. After a while I got to where I could throw it to…
girls’ night out
There is very little more entertaining in this world than having Sarah Rees Brennan relate the plot of one of her favourite books to you. It is, I’m fairly convinced, *much* better than actually reading the books, which I think cannot possibly match up to the dramatic and detailed retellings Sarah performs. Last night during a post-dinner drink at a local pub, Sarah related the story of Flambards, to which, I assure you, the Wiki entry does no justice. Flambards is, by Sarah’s retelling, a Gothic romance sort of thing…
storytelling son
Poor Young Indiana has an ear infection, so I was snuggling with him last night he suddenly pressed up and proclaimed, “When magic begins!” Then he snuggled back down, saying, “A story about when magic begins afwwfl s fllfh sllghh,” and went back to sleep, leaving me lying there going, “NO, WAIT, STOP, I WANT TO HEAR THIS ONE!!!” This morning, hopefully, I asked him if he could tell me a story about when magic begins, but he just laughed at me. :) He got about 8 hours of sleep…