I am told that I should actually post this here daily as well as on Twitter and FB, so I’m doing as I’m told: this is your daily reminder to vote for the #LastDays project! Click here to vote! And while you’re there, how about voting for my friend Swan River Press’s newly submitted project? It’s just a click and it’d do him a lot of good! Vote for Swan River Press too!
Tag: friends
Kari Sperring* introduced the utterly magnifient tag SFFragette over on Twitter a few days ago, as a term to embody the push-back against sexism in SFF. It now has a Facebook page, a Twitter feed, and a blog. These are fantastic places to follow the ongoing discussion. I ottally lack the spoons to link to all the great posts and talks that are happening, so if you’re one of my readers and have any interest in the topic, there’s your source for news. That said, here’s a link I think…
a true measure of quality
Today is the day the city council comes around these pars and takes away bulky household rubbish you’ve put out on the sidewalk. Consequently, pickers (or, as I’ve been calling them, scavengers) in white vans have been driving around the neighborhood since yesterday evening, checking out the pickings. They took the two cheap vacuum cleaners (or hoovers, as we call them here) but have left every other item we put out. That’s a true measure of the quality of stuff we’re divesting the house of. :) Our friends Brian and…
Kitsnaps: Jon Bon Jovi
So on Wednesday last we realized that my sister’s out-of-town Saturday performance conflicted with the Bon Jovi concert and that meant it was nearly impossible for Mom to go to Deirdre’s show and then babysit, and after a bit of discussion, agreed that the thing to do was for me to ask Kate to come up and go to the concert with me, and then next week Ted would go down to Cork and go to the ZZ Top concert with her while I held down the (newly moved, by…
things! all the things!
I’m having one of those days where I’ve got a bunch of things bubbling away and none of them are ready to talk about and so what I’m left with is just wanting to seize people and say “I KNOW SUCH COOL PEOPLE OMG LOOK AT THEM, THEY’RE SO COOL!” because I can’t be more specific. Except in a few cases I can. For example: my long-time friend Ellen Million’s coloring book for so-called-grown-ups Kickstarter is heading into its last week and only needs about another $1K to make 10x…