the essential kit

crowdfunding across the universe!

Two things: first, the most awesome car commercial ever made: Second, and completely unrelated, a friend of mine is running a crowdfund project for a performance piece this summer that my sister and other persons of my acquaintance will be performing in. It’s in dire need of support, with seven days and 75% of the way to go yet. Perhaps you will go support it because I have just shown you the most awesome car commercial ever made (*hopeful*! O.O), or maybe just because you’re awesome, or maybe you can…

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Ivy Gravestone

Kitsnaps: Ivy Gravestone

This is the first photograph I took with a digital SLR, in January 2006. I’d bought the camera (the Nikon D50 that recently died) on eBay and had to have it shipped to a friend in the US, because reasons. He thought I was batshit. insane. for having bought a thousand dollar camera kit. Absolutely could not understand why somebody would do that. But he forwarded the camera on to me anyway, if bemusedly. Ten days later or so I posted this picture and his eyes nearly fell out of…

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the essential kit

things make a post

No wonder I’m tired. I’ve walked something on the order of 30 miles in the past four days. Today I bopped out on my own for a couple of hours and stopped by SubCity, one of the local comic shops. Turns out half one on a Sunday is a great time to go hang out and chat for a while, so I spent a lovely 45 minutes or so talking with Rob, the proprietor, who’s a friend of ours. Amazing how going out and talking to people I’m not related…

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the essential kit

Black Ops

I dreamed that Paul Cornell, Oisin McGann, myself, and three other authors were part of a La Femme Nikita-style black ops team. “Oh, I’m worried,” said Ted when I told him this, but Oisin murdered and fridged one of the other team members for ordering an unauthorized steak dinner, so apparently we were not to be messed with. O.O “Your real memories are surfacing again,” Paul said, and Oisin said, “I’m hurt that you think I could fridge a team member, Catie.” I do love my friends. (My brain, I’m…

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Stormcloud sunset

Dear Humans:

Dear Humans: You have screwed up the weather ENOUGH. Please get on the goddamned ball with FIXING IT. No love, Frozen in Ireland In related news, I discovered earlier this week that a childhood friend (of the “we would all (“all” being, like, dozens of family, extended family, and friends) go down to their place for the 4th of July and make homemade ice cream etc” variety of childhood friend) is a climate change research scientist who runs Adaptation International, a program that helps people, communities, organizations, etc, prepare for…

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