I went out for tapas with YA author Sarah Rees Brennan last night, which was enormously fun. Hanging out with Sarah usually is. She tells stories exactly the same way she writes in her blog, and it’s very very funny, even when she’s talking about awful things. Or possibly especially when she’s talking about awful things. :) Anyway, we ordered one of everything on the menu (not really, but only because after we’d ordered six items the waiter said, “That’s enough, ladies. That’s a lot of food,” to which we…
Tag: friends
is LJ dead?
Is Livejournal dead? Are we all using Tumblr and Twitter (and for me, to an increasingly lesser degree, Facebook) these days? I don’t ask because of this article (touting LJ’s return; hat-tip to Charlie for the link), but because man, it’s *really* seemed quiet the past few months, and only seems to be growing increasingly so. And of course it’s not any skin off my nose to keep cross-posting, but boy, there’s a lot of whistling in the wind going on. Of course, a Saturday afternoon/evening is probably not the…
I love my life.
I love my life. I love that this picture: –oh wait, it has a coise woid on it. I’ll put it behind the cut–
I have very *very* silly friends. I posted on Twitter that I’d read two books over the weekend. Carl said, “Isn’t *writing* two books over the weekend more your usual thing?” I claimed I’d never written *two* books over a weekend. I checked Twitter this morning to find the following: @BryantD Did you hear? @ce_murphy just finished two manuscripts in one weekend, while making oreos and stringing beads? @othergretchen Did you hear? @ce_murphy just finished twelve manuscripts on one weekend, while stringing Oreos like beads? @carlrigney I heard @ce_murphy was…
thistledown & other things
The thistles are all exploding with thistledown. I have this utterly irrational urge to, like, collect, spin, and weave with it, or something, just because there’s so much of it! This was one of my primary thoughts while walking (dear god) nine and a half miles today. Another one was a long and serious consideration of how I would survive if I was thrown back a hundred years in time with only the clothes on my back (answer: get by long enough to place a large bet on the Titanic…