thistledown & other things

The thistles are all exploding with thistledown. I have this utterly irrational urge to, like, collect, spin, and weave with it, or something, just because there’s so much of it! This was one of my primary thoughts while walking (dear god) nine and a half miles today. Another one was a long and serious consideration of how I would survive if I was thrown back a hundred years in time with only the clothes on my back (answer: get by long enough to place a large bet on the Titanic…

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Ted and I went into Dublin today to see Paul Cornell, who was in to Dublin for the day to do a signing at Sub City Comics. Getting off the train, we discovered we were walking alongside Brian S. from P-Con, to whom I said, “Brian. Brian! Briiiiaaaan!” He ignored me entirely until Ted nudged him (later he said, “I did hear you, but I couldn’t imagine anybody would be talking to me! I mean, who would I know in the train station getting off the train from Sligo?”), and…

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She has us pegged.

I checked my friends-list this morning and found Ursula being artistically antsy, and laughed out loud to read the following line: I think of myself as lazy most of the time, but if I’m being objective, my standards are totally warped there, and C.E. Murphy and Ellen Million and I will someday wind up sharing a padded room on that particular topic. This is particularly funny to me right now, as it was yesterday that I kind of went, “…y’know, I may have overloaded myself again…” I suspect she has…

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I need…

…to live someplace where there are enough people I know around that I can throw Dessert Parties. I have all these great dessert cookbooks (Mrs Fields’ I LOVE CHOCOLATE Cookbook, a cheesecake cookbook, an ice cream recipe book…) and no reason to make any of the desserts in them. There are a hundred recipes in the Mrs Fields book. It could take years to go through just /that/ one. But the desserts are mostly too extravagant to make just for two people, and they’re *all* too *large* for just a…

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probably says it all

In the War Room just now, Laura Anne said, “Kit, I am in awe, once again, at your mixture of productivity and total lack of self-preservation.” I suspect that says it all. Not that she should talk. :) I’m also kind of fond of this final line of the synopsis I’m currently working on: “and KERSPLODY is the final scene of the book” Sounds good, huh? :)