that was good for me!

I went AFK for most of last week to go help a friend out with some stuff, and I tell you what, I think that was really good for me. Partially the social activity, because although we were working on a thing it was very social, but a great deal of it was basically just being too busy to think about work at ALL, which was REALLY good for me. I spent all my free time either knitting or reading fic (I read a Cap/Bucky thing called 4 Minute Window…

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banner liberated from twitter user iPokemonGO :)

a pokemon weekend :)

I spent basically the entire weekend playing PokemonGo, and it was GREAT. :D Please know that I do not expect many of the following words, in these sequences, to mean much to most people. :D It was the PokemonGoFest weekend, and I got in the region of 2 million XP, which is an extremely large amount for me. I am T R Y I N G to reach 50th level in this wretched game because, see, I do not play video games, and I never level out in them on…

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Robin Red Breast

a very merry unbirthday

My older nephew, wishing to space his birthday out from Christmas somewhat, requested a half-birthday, so the family got together today for a kind of combined Father’s Day/unbirthday party. Between the hours of 8am & 2pm, I baked a rather complicated cake, made its complicated frosting, made vanilla ice cream, cleaned the kitchen 2 times, did 4 loads of laundry, emptied all the rubbishes, cleaned the kitty litter, made lemonade, and just barely managed not to die of the outrageous 80 degree heat. Ted went out to do errands, and…

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Birthday & Wonder Woman

So yesterday was my birthday and it is also the birthday of my many many birthday twins, but I wasn’t online much and so I failed to say happy birthday to Esmerel and Silkblade and Chaz’s niece and also Morgan Freeman and Marilyn Monroe and Superman (the first Superman comic was published June 1 1938 :)). Happy birthday, twins, and thank you to everybody who wished me a happy day! Ted and Indy snuck off and got a couple pieces of art that have been sitting around for a long…

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Indy and I went on a Pokewalk this evening. Won the local gym back (at great cost, half our Pokemon fainted!). We’re *terrible* at Pokebattles but Indy seems to be learning to embrace the “we’re doing it for fun not for winning” thing, which is great. and OH OH OH DO YOU KNOW WHY #POKEMON’s MAGIKARP IS SO HARD TO EVOLVE THERE’S AN AWESOME REASON! turns out there’s a Japanese legend abt a fish determined to climb a massive waterfall. keeps trying, keeps trying, keeps trying. all the other fish…

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