Joy to the World

I’ve been seeing that “It’s Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays!” thing going around again, and… …look. I was young and totally ethnocentric once. When “Happy Holidays” started to intrude on my awareness, I thought it was silly. We celebrated Christmas. Everybody I knew celebrated Christmas. It was ridiculous to use the phrase “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”. Worse, it was that vertboten of verboten things: politically correct. I was an asshole, in that regard. I have no idea when I got over myself. A long time ago now, as…

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visiting a foreign country

We’re in America (in Upper Peninsula Michigan, which is full of motels that look like the Winchesters would stay there. We concluded, however, that they would probably be smart enough to avoid the nearby one called ‘Sleepy Hollow’.), and I left my tablet charger at home, so I’ve been offline since it ran out of battery. Oops. American food seems to all be either very salty or very sweet. Also I have not been here enough since Obama’s election to get used to the fact that commercials now much more…

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Magic & Manners: Chapter Three

With ongoing apologies to Jane Austen, and a wish for all to have a Happy Midwinter Holiday, I present to you the third chapter of MAGIC & MANNERS, which is what happens when I get it into my head to wonder what PRIDE & PREJUDICE would be like if it was not a lack of wealth that beleaguered the Bennet sisters, but rather an excess of magic… Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three lies behind the cut. :)

Kitsnaps: Ancient Queens & Modern Schemes

Kitsnaps: Ancient Queens & Modern Schemes

This is my favorite picture from the recent trip to London: Boudicca and the Millenium Wheel. I just like the juxtaposition of ancient and modern. And it’s in a snowstorm. For the win. :)

Kitsnaps: Westminster in Snow

From our trip to London last month! We about froze to death on the bus tour (because we were FOOLS and rode on the TOP) but it was well worth it. Our guide, Barry, was so brilliant we were totally unwilling to hop off anywhere for fear of missing the rest of his lecture, and London in the snow was quite beautiful. This is one of my favorite pictures I took, looking back at Westminster. After we got off the bus we were all so numb from cold that we…

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