Kitsnacks: Chocolate Meringue Cookies

I have a lot of left over egg whites after making lemon curd last week and in my kind of never-ending quest to find things to do with them, I made these actually quite intensely chocolately meringue cookies. I tried one, thought it was pretty good, offered one to Dad, he thought it was good, so I went to Indy and said, “My son, the moment has come when I must call upon you to perform one of the sacred duties of childhood.” Indy: ::groans loudly:: Me, handing him a cookie:…

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Apple Butter Recipes, Redux

Miz Kit’s Apple Butter Recipe ~10 pounds unprocessed/~4lbs prepared (peeled, cored, sliced) apples 1.5 cups apple juice/sweet cider 1 tsp salt Peel, core and slice the apples. Put prepared apples and apple juice into a large pot, cover, and boil until the apples are soft (about 30 minutes), stirring occasionally. Puree the mix in a blender/food processor/whatever until smooth. Turn into a deep, flat enamel-lined pan & put into a pre-heated oven at 325°F (150°C, 130°C fan assisted) and roast, stirring very occasionally, for 1-2 hours or until the puree…

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fudge for octocon

Kitsnacks: Catie’s Vegan Fudge & Marshmallow Cream recipes

Okay, what follows are my recipes for vegan chocolate fudge, which requires homemade marshmallow fluff made with aquafaba, which is the fancy name for chickpea water. Do not ask me why chickpea water froths up into a great meringue. This is beyond my knowledge. It works, though. If you’re looking for something that’s just dairy-free but you’re not allergic to eggs, you can use regular marshmallow cream and save yourself a step, but this recipe goes Full Vegan. Catie’s Vegan Marshmallow Cream 1/2 c sugar 1/4 c water 3/4 c…

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fudge for octocon

Kitsnacks: Catie’s Basic Fudge Recipe

FUDGE: 3 c sugar 2/3 c evaporated milk 3/4 c butter or margarine 1/2 tsp salt 12oz semi-sweet chocolate chips 2 c marshmallow creme (or 1 small jar marshmallow creme) 1 tsp vanilla 1/2 c walnuts if desired NOTES: for persons in Ireland or UK who wish to make this, the sugar must must be caster sugar; granulated makes grainy fudge. Boo, hiss. Also, semi-sweet chocolate is called plain chocolate with about a 54-60% chocolate content here, so you’d be using 12oz/2 cups of chopped plain chocolate instead. I frequently…

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Kitsnacks: Pecan Pie (updated)

My husband is starting a new job on Tuesday (a promotion! Yay!), & upon hearing he was leaving, his coworkers offered the appropriate congratulations and speeches of woe, the latter of which included, “b..b..but…but…pecan pie…???” So I’m making them a pecan pie, & have finally perfected my process for the recipe I invented several years ago. It is as follows, although it should be noted that I tend to make deep-dish pies, and for your average 9″ pie this should probably be cut in half. Or you should make two.…

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