Cork City Skyline

Kitsnaps: Cork City Skyline

The cathedral featured is St Finbarr’s, and the towers there are known as…I forget what. It’s something to do with being financed by the Irish stout makers, so they’re Guinness and Beamish, or something like that. :) And it’s possible that the apse picture was taken inside there. :)


Kitsnaps: Idolatry

I don’t remember which church or cathedral this is (Kate might know–it could be the Kinsale church), but we stood around gapint at the ceiling for quite a long time. This is the…there’s a special word for it, but I donno what it is. The dome above the altar and all. I was looking straight upward to take the picture.

Kitsnaps: Quiet Waters

Kitsnaps: Quiet Waters

This is another one taken while Emily was visiting, in a small town that I can’t remember the name of. Lovely waters, though. :)


Kitsnaps: Forget-Me-Not

One of the things I really thought I would miss, moving to Ireland, were some of the flowers. Forget-Me-Nots, fireweed, lupins. Only it turns out Ireland has all three of them, or something so very like them that it makes no difference to my untrained eye. The only flower I’m left to miss is Alaska Cotton, and I wouldn’t be entirely surprised to find it lurking around here somewhere.