
Kitsnaps: Friendship

This is my favourite scuplture at the Botanic Gardens, and I’ve been trying for years to get a picture of it that I like. I’m reasonably happy with this one, although I still want to try for a successful full-length one. Onward!

Super Orange

Kitsnaps: Super Orange

If I’m clever I might go back before the blooms fade and find out what some of these flowers are, but, er, don’t count on it. They’re cheerful, though! :)

Palm House

Kitsnaps: Palm House

My favourite of the Botanic Gardens greenhouses, just because it’s so bloody massive. There are indeed palms and ferns growing all the way up to the top of it, too. A body could nearly get lost in there, or wish she could, anyway…

Birds of Paradise

Kitsnaps: Birds of Paradise

All the tropical flowers in the greenhouses at the Botanic Gardens are currently in bloom. I’ve never caught them in bloom before, and had a fairly wonderful time going through and taking pictures in the warm serenity of the greenhouses. Of course, this is one of like two pictures that I actually know what I was taking a picture *of*, and mostly I didn’t think to take pictures of the accompanying labels, either (primarily because it’s never really clear to me which label belongs with which set of plants unless…

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St Colman's Cathedral

Kitsnaps: St Coleman’s Cathedral

St Colman’s Cathedral and the town centre in Cobh. Apparently it was a Cobh week for my Kitsnaps files. :)