Cover art: Bewitching Benedict

Marketing Monday: Bewitching Benedict

today I’m going to talk about BEWITCHING BENEDICT, which is a Regency romance with (*gasp*) no magic, despite the title. :) I’d been reading lots and lots of MC Beaton’s Regency romances, and I asked my agent at the time if there was still a market for Regencies, because I thought maybe I could write one. He said yes, if I wrote him a charming piece of confectionary, he could definitely sell it. Well, I *did* write a charming piece of confectionary, but he couldn’t sell it. I was told…

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new Old Races short story!

I have a new Old Races story out in an anthology! Matryoshka, in ARTIFICE & CRAFT is now available! An excerpt follows: *** The largest matryoshka doll was ugly as sin, and precious beyond gold. It lay in Janx’s hoard, buried by jewels, by precious metals, by the detritus of time, forgotten even by the dragonlord until a ghost made a wish, and the world began to crack. Within it sat a second doll, half its size, rattling in its outer ebony carving when it moved at all. Now the…

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