all out of…

YAY the Phoenix landed safely! …that was totally not what I was going to write about, but more or less the first thing I do in the mornings is check out the APotD, and YAY the Phoenix landed safely! *beams* Right. Where was I. Last night I was observing to Deborah that I was all out of give-a-shit. She observed in return that actually, what was impressive was that I was all out of grim. I believe she nailed the actual problem there, and it seems that having had it…

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The LibraryThing Meme & Others

Why, yes, I am avoiding going to work, why do you ask? For people who come in through’s front page instead of LJ, there’s an LJ-only poll/post here which it’s possible people without LJ accounts can’t actually participate in anyway, so maybe I’m just torturing you. Hm. :) I’ve seen this in a variety of places on my flist and haven’t gotten around to doing it yet, so I’m considering myself tagged by Kate Elliott and playing along. The meme: List seven songs you are into right now. No…

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I am utterly, but pleasantly, knackered. The weekend, during which I didn’t post at *all*, which is very strange indeed, was very nice. Saturday we watched Doctor Who (Donna is fast becoming my favorite companion, even though I really did love Rose), caught up on Smallville (which, man. I know there’s a lot of popular opinion that it’s jumped the shark, but because I love the Lex storyline so much I’m willing to give them an awful lot of rope to hang themselves with. And the Lex story has, really,…

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