not usually

I won’t usually post two of these a day but it makes more sense to my brain to post it at the end of the day instead of the beginning, so today gets the Announcement Of Writing post and now the End Of The Day Wordcount Post. 5100 / 70000 words. 7% done! Holy crap it’s hot.

book in a week. or two.

I am sitting out on the back patio of a small house in southern France. To my right is a garden tended by a sweet, charming, small old man who tried earnestly to communicate with us even after we admitted to having not a word of French, and by a redheaded youth I have cast as his grandson. Behind me is L’Aude. It is a quarter to 8 in the morning, which means the temperature is about 70 and perfect. I have 70K to go, two weeks to write it…

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a personal best

Several years ago I had a month where I thought I really hadn’t written much of anything, and, depressed, went to look at my wordcount. It turned out I had written 83K in that month, and I still don’t know how I’d concluded I’d done no work worth mentioning in that time. I’ve just obliterated that record. I’ve done 91,000 words in 19 days. I have written a book in 19 days: I have just finished MOUNTAIN ECHOES, Book 8 of the Walker Papers. It was 10,500 words long when…

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novella, my hiney

I closed out the NO DOMINION rough draft a couple hours ago, at 60,438 words. Novella, my hiney. It’s exactly twice the length I anticipated it being, and will without a doubt get longer in revisions. Which I am not going to do right now. I may very well even send it in the wreck-of-a-state that it is in, off to the Major Beta Reader for the project, rather than even do my usual revision pass which at least includes getting rid of the notes to myself and trying to…

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All day long I’ve been thinking of this funny story I wanted to post about, and now it’s the end of the day and I can’t remember what it is. So I will post my wordcount for the month and go flop into bed, and maybe tomorrow I’ll remember to be clever. Febnowrimo wordcount: 31500 / 50000 (63.00%)